About Us

Customer Service Charter

MICR Service Standards

# Department Service Standards time frame Dependence
1 All Answering to customer Telephone call. Phone must be answered within three rings N/A
Respond to customers queries. Waiting time is less than 10 minutes N/A
2 Underwriting Straight forward Insurance policy contract processing. Direct insurance policy should be processed within 10 minutes. Premium payment
Insurance policy contract initiated by Agencies, Brokers, Bancassurance and Agents. Within maximum 10 minutes Premium payment
Renewal of insurance policies contracts. Within the time less than 10 minutes Premium payment
3 Claims Provide claim liability acceptance or rejection notice to the policyholder. Within maximum ten (10) working days from receipt of all required documents. Supporting documents
Claim settlement to the policyholder. Within maximum thirty (30) days from receipt of all required documents. Supporting documents
Claim loss adjustor appointment Within seventy-two (72) hours from the notice of claim. N/A
4 Finance Invoices payment According the agreed the terms and conditions of the contract or purchase order. Invoices with supporting documents
  • We shall respond to emails within twelve (12) working hours.
  • We shall regularly update you on the progress of your claim.
  • We shall send out policy renewal notices to our customers at least 30 days prior to the renewal date to give them time to review and respond before the due date.
  • We shall acknowledge customer complaints within three (1) working day and where possible the customer complaint is resolved upon first contact and within the same day. In instances where this is not possible, we respond to issues raised within 10 working days.

Our Contact Address

P.O Box 1380 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: +250 788 381 844

Email :[email protected]
Website: mayfair.rw

Our Working Hours

Monday to Friday : 8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday : 9:00am to 1:00pm

Sunday & Public Holidays:
You May contact us on 0788 381 844

List of Agents

MICRL Agent List